Thursday 5 July 2007

Why the Euro millions Lottery?

Good question.

My love affair with lotteries began shortly after arriving in the UK for the second time in 1999 (The South African National Lottery had not yet begun). I bought my first UK National Lottery ticket with one thing in mind, the jackpot!

But this is why we all buy lotto tickets, most of us can't act like Robert de Niro nor sing like Jack White (The White Stripes – The hardest button to button - happened to be the next song on my playlist whilst posting this) and lottery jackpots are our ticket to the good life (a pipe dream but a dream nonetheless).

Needless to say I didn't win but a few tickets later was pleasantly surprised to have won a tenner. Months later I was close to a hundred up but then the odds caught up with me, and shortly after was in the red.

So I gave up!

Then in 2005, Dolores McNamara made headline news, after the Euro Millions lottery rolled over 9 times, to win the jackpot of $152 million. And the Euro Millions lottery is tax free! She still remains the biggest individual winner of the EuroMillions lotto although the highest euro millions jackpot of $241 million was reached when no-one won the 12th draw, and the jackpot was divided amongst the tickets matching the 5+1 prize.

So I started up my chase of a lottery jackpot again by buying my first Euro millions lotto ticket and won first time round, why don’t you give it a go at play euromillions online and leave me a comment about your first win or why you love/hate the euromillions lottery.

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